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Ghusl, ablution and salât (namâz)  >  Salât (Namâz)  >  Missed (Qada) Salats


 Is It Unnecessary to Make Up Missed Salats?
 Situations That Excuse a Person from Salat
 Good Deeds Do Not Replace Salat
 Voluntary Acts of Worship Versus Obligatory Ones
 What Does Sunnat Mean?
 Delaying Qada Salats
 Sunnat Salats Are Nafila Salats
 Multiple Intentions for a Single Act of Worship
 If One Has Debts of Obligatory Acts of Worship
 Is It Sinful to Abandon Sunnat Salats?
 What Does a Sunnat Salat Mean?
 Unanimity of Scholars
 Personal Opinions of Some Professors of Theology
 Performing Sunnat Salats with the Intention of Qada Salats
 Is It Permissible for a Person Who Does Not Have Qada Salats to Perform Qada Salats?
 Abandoning Salat or Missing it due to an Excuse
 Original Texts-1
 Original Texts-2
 Original Texts-3
 Original Texts-4
 Original Texts-5
 Intention for the Sunnat Salats of Salat al-Jumu'ah
 Q&A About Qada Salats

Date of Update
9 Şubat 2025 Pazar
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