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Is There Not Fire in Hell?

Question: It is written on your website, "There is no blessing in Paradise, nor are there torment and fire in Hell. Everybody takes blessings and fire there with him/her." Also, reporting as follows on the authority of Imam-i Rabbani, "All things in Paradise are fruits of acts of worship and good deeds done in the worldly life," you quote the hadith "There is no tree in Paradise. Saying tasbih [Subhan-Allah], tahmid [Alhamdulillah], tamjid [La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah], and tahlil [La ilaha ill-Allah], plant there many trees." Furthermore, your website says, "There is no fire in Hell. People take their own fires there with them through their evil deeds." Interestingly enough, it is written in another section on your website that Paradise is full of with blessings while Hell is full of with fire and other torments. What is the reason for this contradiction?
There is no contradiction, for these two statements do not say different things. Rather, one of them clarifies the other. The torments in Hell have been prepared for disbelievers. That is, disbelievers will be subjected to those torments in return for their deeds. What is meant by the statement "A person takes his/her fire there with him/her" is that a person deserves Hell because of his/her evil deeds. The blessings of Paradise are for Believers. Three Qur'anic verses say (what means):

(Wherever you look in Paradise, you will see abundant blessings and a great kingdom.) [Al-Insan 20]

(No one can know what blessings that will please [Believers in Paradise] have been prepared as a reward for their good deeds.) [As-Sajdah 17]

(Allahu ta'ala invites His servants to Dar-us-salam [His Paradise, which is the abode of peace and felicity].) [Yunus 25]

The torment of Hell is for disbelievers. Three Qur'anic verses say (what means):
(Say: The truth is from your Lord. Then whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve. For disbelievers, We have prepared a Fire whose walls will surround them. When they beg for help, water like molten metal will be thrown at them, which burns the faces. What a dreadful drink this is! And what an evil resting-place the Hellfire is!) [Al-Kahf 29]

(I will throw him into Saqar [into Hell, into a severe Fire]. Do you know what Saqar is? It does not let [those who have entered it] get out, nor does it give up the torment. It scorches the skin of man.) [Al-Muddaththir 26-29]

(Beware of the Hellfire, which has been prepared for disbelievers.) [Al-i 'Imran 131]

Hell, which has been readied for disbelievers, does not burn Muslims. A hadith-i sharif purports:
(Everybody, good or evil, will pass [the Sirat, which has been built over Hell]. It will become cool and peaceful for a Believer, just as the fire became cool for Ibrahim 'alaihis-salam. It will be such that Hell will cry out, "The light of the Believer extinguishes my fire.") [Ibn Majah] (This means to say that there is fire in Hell, but it does not burn a Believer.)

A hadith-i sharif stating that there are blessings in Paradise is as follows:
(If any object from Paradise as much as the size of the tip of a nail came to the earth, it will ornament what is between the west and the east. If someone from the people of Paradise were made to appear with her bracelets, her light would obliterate the light of the sun, just as [the light of] the sun obliterates stars.) [Tirmidhi]

Some hadith-i sharifs stating that there are fire and torment in Hell are as follows:
(If a mere spark from Hell fell on the earth, the vehemence of its heat and its nasty smell would pervade the east and the west.) [Ibn Maduya]

(If a mere drop from the Zaqqum, which is the food in Hell, dropped on the earth, it would spoil the life of the inhabitants of the earth.) [Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Imam-i Ahmad]

(A conceited person will be thrown into the pit of Hell called Bulis, which is the deepest pit of Hell and which has the severest punishment of all.) [Ethics of Islam]

(If a person who says "Allahumma ajirni minan-naar" seven times after completing the evening salat [after making supplication following the salat] dies on that night, he will be granted the voucher of salvation from the Hellfire. And if a person says it likewise after the morning salat and dies on that day, he will be granted the voucher of salvation from the Fire, too.) [Muslim] (If there were not fire in Hell, we would not have been commanded to pray in this way.)

Our Master the Messenger of Allah saw the blessings of Paradise and tortures of Hell on the Night of Mi'raj. He looked at none of the blessings of Paradise out of the desire for and the pleasure of seeing Allahu ta'ala's Jamal (Beauty). The fire of Hell does not harm the angels named Zabani, who are in charge of Hell, as the sea is not harmful to fish. (I'tiqadnama) (If there were not fire in Hell, it would not have been stated that the Hellfire does not harm the angels called Zabani.)

Every Believer will attain blessings as many as his/her good deeds. Believing and doing good deeds mean taking blessings to Paradise while disbelieving and doing evil deeds mean taking fire to Hell. For example, honey, which has curative properties, causes a diabetic harm. However, it is not the honey to be blamed. Some types of food induce allergic reaction in some people and thus cause them harm. It is not the food to be blamed but the body that cannot tolerate it. So is the case with Hell's harming disbelievers. If both a Believer and a disbeliever are thrown into Hell, the disbeliever suffers torment while the Believer not.

The best of all the blessings of Paradise is to see Allahu ta'ala. When Believers see Allahu ta'ala in His Beauty, they will have attained the greatest blessing. Similarly, the severest of all the torments of Hell is to see Allahu ta'ala, too. When disbelievers see Allahu ta'ala in His Wrath and Glory, they will have been subjected to the severest torment. (I'tiqadnama)

Paradise and Hell exist now. (Belief and Islam)

Conclusion: As is seen, the blessings in Paradise have been prepared according to the deeds of Believers and the torment in Hell has been prepared according to the deeds of disbelievers. That is why there are seven Hells and eight Paradises. People will either attain blessings or be subjected to torment in accordance with their deeds.

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26 Aralık 2024 Perşembe
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