Question: A person who always eats honey will get bored with it one day (as a Turkish proverb says.) No matter how much enjoyable Paradise will be, will people not get bored with the blessings in it? Will a monotonous life not bore people? ANSWER It is a very wrong thought. It comes to mean doubting Allahu ta'ala's infinite power and thinking of Him as incapable (May Allah forbid!).
The life in Paradise will not be monotonous. Our religion says that a person whose two days are the same is at loss. Accordingly, blessings will be increased each passing day in the afterworld, and its two days will not be equal. Every day people will get different and much more pleasure from the same blessings. Moreover, they will be bestowed different bounties and different favors each day. No doubt should be harbored at all about Allahu ta'ala's power. People compare what they do not know to what they know. But something that is not known cannot be compared to something that is known. It is declared in hadith-i sharifs:
(The world is like a dungeon for a Believer.) [Muslim]
(The world is like Paradise when compared to the womb and like a garbage dump when compared to Paradise.) [Ma'rifatnama]
Can Paradise ever be compared with a garbage dump? Just as it is impossible for a baby in the womb of its mother to know that it will be born and face various events, so it is impossible for a Believer who will go to Paradise to know the blessings he/she will attain therein.
Allahu ta'ala will be seen in Paradise in His attribute Jamal (Beauty). When Believers see Allahu ta'ala, the pleasure they will get will be much more than the pleasure they will get from all the blessings of Paradise. A Qur'anic verse says (what means): (Faces shining brightly on the Day of Resurrection will look at their Lord.) [Al-Qiyamah 22, 23]
Our Master the Messenger of Allah explained the phrase even more than it that appears in the 26th verse of Yunus Sura, which purports, For those who do good deeds is Husna [Paradise] and even more than it as ruyat (seeing Allahu taala) and stated, You will see your Lord clearly on the Day of Resurrection as you see the full moon (Bukhari).
It is never possible for a person to imagine the blessings that will be created with our Lord's power. Two hadith-i sharifs say:
(In Paradise, there are blessings that no one has ever seen, has ever heard, or can ever imagine.) [Muslim]
(The similarity between the blessings in Paradise and those in the world is in name only.) [Bayhaqi]
We cannot even compare dreams and the worldly life. We see many places and talk in our dreams though our eyes are shut and our tongues do not move. That is, our seeing is not by means of our eyes, and our talking is not by means of our tongues. Similarly, our hearing is not by means of our ears, and our walking is not by means of our feet. What weight would it carry if we became a ruler in our dreams? When we wake up soon, we see that it was only a dream. Likewise, the worldly life is like a dream, so we should strive to be rulers in the life to come, which is the real life. A hadith-i sharif states, "Humans are asleep. They will wake up upon dying." Just as it is not appropriate to compare the things in dreams with the things in the world, so the things in the world cannot be compared with the blessings in Paradise.
A person who has believed in Allahu ta'ala's infinite power must believe in everything He reveals. Allahu ta'ala says that there will be no trouble, worry, regret, or boredom in Paradise and that the dwellers of Paradise will be given every blessing they will wish for. When blessings of this world and those of the next are compared, they are not even their shadows or pictures. As a tree and its picture are not the same, so the case is the same with the blessings of this world compared with those of the next world. Allahu ta'ala created worldly blessings from nothing, and He will create unimaginable and unthinkable blessings from nothing in the world to come, too. Some Qur'anic verses say (what means):
(There are the best reward and more for those who do good. There is no trace of sorrow or ignominy on their faces. They will remain in Paradise forever.) [Yunus 26]
(Those who believe and do good deeds will abide in the Paradises of Firdaws forever. They will never leave there.) [Al-Kahf 107-108]
(Wherever you look at in Paradise, you will see bountiful blessings and a great dominion.) [Al-Insan 20]
(Whoever does good deeds while being a Believer, We will make him live a trouble-free, good life. We will reward them according to the best of their deeds.) [An-Nahl 97]
(No one can know what pleasing things have been prepared for people, as a reward for their good deeds.) [As-Sajdah 17]
Furthermore, it is declared in hadith-i sharifs: (Allahu ta'ala stated, "I have prepared for pious people things that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and has never crossed the mind of man.") [Bukhari]
(He who enters Paradise will not die but live eternally. Being always happy, he will never be plunged into despair. His clothes will not wear out, nor will his youth fade.) [Ibn Abi ad-Dunya]
(The inhabitants of Paradise will not fall ill or grow old. They will never be sad but always be happy.) [Muslim]
(There will be no discord among the inhabitants of Paradise. Their hearts will be as one.) [Bukhari]
(Every blessing becomes non-existent, except the blessings of Paradise. Every worry passes, except the worries in Hell.) [Ibn Lal]
(Only he who enters Paradise attains comfort.) [Imam-i Ahmad]
(If an inhabitant of Paradise says, "Let me ride a horse," he will ride it. If he says, "Let me fly," he will fly.) [Tirmidhi]
(Haqq ta'ala [Allahu ta'ala] will say to the inhabitants of Paradise, "Are you content?" They will say, "Of course we are content. You have given us countless blessings." Then He will ask, "Do you want Me to give you something better?" The dwellers of Paradise will ask, "Is there something better?" He will reply, "I will always be pleased with you and never get offended with you.") [Bukhari]
Blessings of Paradise Question: Will the abundant blessings of the highest rank in Paradise also be given to a person who will be in the lowest rank therein? ANSWER There will certainly be differences in ranks, but even a person in the lowest rank will attain unimaginable and unthinkable blessings. A hadith-i sharif says (what means): (The person with the lowest rank in Paradise will be said, "Ask for whatever you wish." He will ask for whatever will come to his mind. He will be said, "You will be given two times more for each thing you ask for.") [Muslim]
The shadow of an object Question: In Paradise, will there be beautiful landscapes, pleasant foods, nice drinks, and other beauties that we see in the world? ANSWER All the beauties in this world are no more than a shadow, an image. They are like the shadow of an object when compared with the blessings in Paradise. Think of an apple, and also think of its shadow or picture. Does its shadow or picture substitute for the apple? Similarly, worldly fruits and worldly blessings are like a shadow. They are harbingers for Believers for their originals in Paradise.
Pure drink Question: I heard that people would drink wine in Paradise. I do not understand it. How will it be? ANSWER The Qur'an al-karim says in reference to the inhabitants of Paradise, "They will drink pure wine" (Al-Insan 21).
"The pure wine," which will be given to the inhabitants of Paradise, is mentioned in the Qur'an al-karim as "Sharaban tahoora." What is meant by it is a pure drink. It means syrup, a beverage. It does not have any connection with alcohol-containing wine or rakee. The Qur'an al-karim says that drinking alcohol-containing wine is haram. (Al-Ma'idah 90)
Everybody will be 33 years old Question: All people will be 30 years old in the Hereafter. For example, a man who has died at the age of 60 will be 30 years old. If I die at the age of 21, will I be 30 years old, too? ANSWER Everybody will be 33 years old, not 30. You, too, will be 33 years old.