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Îmân and Islam (Correct faith)  >  Belief in Allah  >  Creating belongs to Allah alone  >  Can nature be called creator?

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Can nature be called creator?

Question: Those who disbelieve the existence of Allah say, “Everything in the universe is done by nature. All things are created by the forces of nature.” Can nature be called creator?
If we ask them, “Have the parts of an automobile been brought together by the forces of nature? Have they been heaped together like a pile of rubbish which has been brought together by flowing water with the effects of waves striking from this and that direction? Does a car move with the exertion of the forces of nature?”

They will answer:
“Of course, it is impossible. A car is a work of art which a number of people have built by working together strenuously and by using all their mental abilities to design it. A car is operated by a driver who drives it carefully, using his mind while obeying the traffic laws.”

Likewise, every being in nature is also a work of art. A leaf is as astounding factory. A grain of sand or a living cell is an exhibition of fine art, which science has explored to only a small extent today. What we boast about as a scientific finding and accomplishment today is the result of being able to see and copy a few of these fine arts in nature. Even Darwin, the British doctor whom Islam’s adversaries present as their leader, had to admit: “Whenever I think of the structure of the eye, I feel as if I will go mad.”

Could people who would not admit that a car is made by chance, by the forces of nature, say that nature has created this universe, which is entirely a work of art? Of course, they could not. Should they not believe that it has been made by a Creator, who has calculation, design, knowledge, and infinite power?

Date of Update
25 Ocak 2025 Cumartesi
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