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Does it suffice to say, “I believe in Allah”?

Question: A friend of mine says, “I believe in Allah because nothing can come into existence by itself. But I do not believe in religions, prophets, divine books, and the Hereafter.” In this case, is a person who thinks so considered to have belief in Allah?
He is, in no way, considered to have belief in Allah. His situation brings to mind the famous saying of Nasreddin Hodja: (referring to the cauldron in his well-known tale, he inquires) Why do you not believe that it (the cauldron) has died just as you believe that it has given birth to a child?” Is it proper to say, “I am a student but I do not accept teachers, lessons, and exams”? If one is a student, one has to accept teachers and lessons as well. In the same way, is it proper to say, “I accept the law but I do not accept prosecutors and courts”? If there is a law, it means that there are people making it and courts applying it. If your friend believes in Allahu ta’âlâ sincerely, he has to believe in, without question, His commandments and prohibitions, too.

All scientists, with a few exceptions, have declared unanimously that this universe did not come into existence by itself and that it has a Creator. No matter how much progress science makes, humans can never create an ant, a bird or even a grain of barley. When a wise and learned person observes this universe, (s)he will see that it has been created in an perfect order and harmony and understand that it did not come into existence by itself. Think that when a machine is produced, an instruction manual is put for would-be users. If it is still difficult to understand, then a training course is initiated in order to instruct people how to use it. When it is not used properly, it breaks down. In the like manner, Janâb-i Allah, the Creator of all things, too, has created this enormous machine called “a human,” but He has not left it uncontrolled. It is purported in an âyat-i karîma:
(Do you think that We have created you in vain?) [Sûrat-ul-Mu’minûn 115]

Likewise, these machines called “humans” have instruction manuals, and these manuals are the holy books sent by Allahu ta’âlâ by means of His prophets. The last of those holy books is the Qur’ân al-karîm, which was revealed to Hadrat Muhammad (‘alaihis-salâm), the final of the prophets. Since even a short verse in the Qur’ân al-karîm conveys many meanings, our Master the Prophet himself explained the Qur’ân with his hadîth-i sharîfs. Therefore, a person who says “I believe in Allah” has to believe in His books and prophets as well.

If there is a work, there surely exists a doer of this work, and this doer certainly informs about how to use it. Are those who do not contemplate the things that will befall them after death and thus who put themselves in eternal danger deemed to be wise? In many verses of the Qur’ân al-karîm, people are warned by saying, “Do you not contemplate?” In addition to them, it is said in hadîth-i sharîfs:
(He who does not have ‘aql [wisdom] does not have dîn, either.) [Tirmudhî]

(Wise is he who believes in Allah and His prophet and who performs acts of worship.) [I. Muhbar]

(He who has ‘aql should have îmân.) [Bayhaqî]

Therefore, a wise person who says “I believe in Allah” must also believe in the holy books and prophets and must perform acts of worship and avoid the harâms. If you disbelieve even one of the fundamentals of îmân, then you are not considered to have îmân. Your saying “I only believe in Allah” is nothing but to deceive yourself.

Date of Update
18 Ocak 2025 Cumartesi
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