Question: What are prohibited for a junub person? ANSWER A junub person can say the Basmala, prayers, dhikr (for example, saying Lā ilaha ill-Allah), and salawāt. Furthermore, such a person can also recite such āyats as the Fātiha and Rabbanā ātinā with the intention of saying duā. Simply, one cannot hold or read the Qurān al-karīm (it is not recited even by heart) and cannot enter a mosque. It is makrūh to shave the groin, to get a haircut, and to cut the nails. However, when a woman is menstruating, these are not makrūh.
Eating, drinking, or suckling a baby when you are junub Question: Is it permissible for a junub person to eat and drink something or to go out, or for a junub woman to suckle her baby? ANSWER It is permissible to eat and drink after washing the mouth. It is permissible to go out as well. A woman can suckle her baby after washing her breast. But a junub person must make ghusl before the namāz time is over. It is harām [prohibited] to stay in the state of janābat any longer. If people, no matter whether they practise namāzes or not, spend a prayers time junub, they will be tormented bitterly.
A junub persons sweat and semen Question: After experiencing a nocturnal emission or having sexual intercourse, is it necessary to get changed and wash all those clothes? Can we perform namāz with clothes smeared with our sweat when we are junub? ANSWER The sweat of a junub person is not najs [religiously dirty]. You can perform namāz with those clothes.
Semen is considered najs in the Hanafī Madhhab, but it is clean in the other three madhhabs. However, according to a report in the Mālikī Madhhab, it is considered najs, too.
People who have had a nocturnal emission do not have to change all their clothes. It suffices to wash only the place smeared with semen. If dried semen is rubbed off its place, that place becomes clean; you can perform namāz wearing it.
Janābat and waswasas Question: When I become junub, I feel that anything I touch becomes impure. So I am deeply distressed. Is it a waswasa? ANSWER Yes, it is a waswasa. Wherever a junub person touches, it does not become impure.