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The Signs of Misery

* Sufism is the science of dying in faith with one’s last breath, that is, the science of saying “Allah” with one’s last breath.

* The sign of patience is to abandon complaints and conceal troubles.

* Remembering death is a sign of the love of Allah.

* Adab is to take advice and to say okay without any objection and comment.

* The basic principle of making a person work is not to demoralize him.

* There are four conditions for success: faith, justice, honesty, and sacrifice.

* Faith is like a big curtain between a Believer and the fire. It protects the Believer from the fire. One without faith has withered. A tree that has withered is cut down and burnt. It is burnt even in worldly life; then think about the situation in the Herafter.

* A ruler and a shepherd are in the same row in front of a judge. They are treated equally, which is the requirement of justice.

* Look at what remains with us, not what we have. What remains with us is what we give for the sake of Allah.

* Patience is bitter, but it is absolutely curative.

* The way to receiving a kindness is to do a kindness.

* First do istishara (consultation) and then istikhara.

* The signs of misery are these: complaining about one’s state, not to act on one’s knowledge, and deeds without ikhlas.

* There are many good things, but the best of them are these two things:
1. correct faith, 2. service, help, and compassion to humans.

There are many bad things, but the worst of them are these two things:
1. disbelief 2. tyrannizing over humans.

* Everything that goes against the path of our Master the Prophet is a mirage.

* Recite Surat al-Fatiha once a day to present the thawab of it to Islamic scholars. They return your present. Their return may make you attain felicity both in this world and the world to come.

* Those who make du’a for Islamic scholars indeed make du’a for themselves.

* The beginning of rage is transient lunacy, and the end of it is eternal regret.

* Pharaohs lived saying “Me.”

* Whoever is in distress, it is due to worldly affairs, which means one loves what is worldly.

* It was stated that most of the inhabitants of Hell would be wealthy people and women. This is not an insult, but a warning because the first Believer was a female (Hadrat Khadija), so was the first martyr (Hadrat Sumayya).

* Ikhlas is to love Allahu ta’ala much and to love everything for the sake of Allah.

* The objectives of the lives of the scholars of Ahl as-Sunnah are three: (1) to learn; (2) to teach what is learnt; and (3) to provide unity and solidarity.

* Knowledge is the lantern of a Believer in the world. There are two criteria for knowledge: to learn and to teach. Where does one learn it? From valuable books of Ahl as-Sunnah scholars. It is important to teach what one learns. Beware of those who speak according to their personal thoughts without any credible books.

* Islam is to learn and to teach what is learnt. It is not only to teach, but to teach what is learnt, for one who says one’s personal thoughts will certainly be disappointed and destroy with oneself the listeners as well.

* There are four types of awliya’:
1. Those who know that they are awliya', and others know this fact, too.
2. Those who know that they are awliya', but others do not know it.
3. Those who do not know that they are awliya', but others know it.
4. Those who do not know that they are awliya', and others do not know it, either.


Date of Update
21 Aralýk 2024 Cumartesi
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