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Important Questions and Answers

* What should one do in order to be immensely wealthy?
One who is content with one's share is the wealthiest of all people.

* Who is the best person?
The best of humans is the one who benefits humanity.

* Who is the fairest person?
The fairest of humans is the one who wishes for others what one wishes for oneself.

* What should one do to be a special servant of Allah?
The one who remembers Allah most becomes His most special servant.

* What should one do to attain ihsan?
The one who worships Allah as if one sees Him will attain ihsan.

* What should one do to attain perfect faith?
One must have good morals.

* What should one do to be resurrected in light?
The one who does not commit cruelty to anyone will be resurrected in light.

* What should one do to decrease one's sins?
If one makes repentance and begs Allah for forgiveness, one's sins will decrease.

* What should one do to be generous?
The one who does not complain to Allah of His servants will be the most generous of all humans.

* What should one do so that one's rizq (sustenance) may be abundant?
The rizq of one who maintains cleanliness will be abundant.

* What should one do to be loved by Allahu ta'ala and our Master the Prophet?
In order to be loved by them, one must love those whom they love and must not love those whom they do not love.

* What should one do to save oneself from the wrath of Allah?
The one who does not get angry for worldly things will save oneself from the wrath of Allah.

* What should one do in order for one's du'a to be answered?
The du'a of a person who abstains from forbidden things will be answered.

* What should one do if one does not want to be disgraced in the eyes of others?
The one who guards one's chastity will not be disgraced in the eyes of people.

* What should one do in order for one's faults not to be uncovered?
Whoever conceals the faults of another Muslim, Allah will conceal his/her faults, too.

* What causes sins to be forgiven?
Tears and diseases cause sins to be forgiven.

* Which good deed is better?
Good moral qualities, modesty, patience in the face of calamities, and contentment with qada.

* Which sin is the gravest?
It is bad moral qualities.

[All the answers above are translations of pertinent hadith-i sharifs.]


Date of Update
8 Mart 2025 Cumartesi
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