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Fasting and Ramadan  >  Blood in the Mouth and the Fast

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Blood in the Mouth and the Fast

Question: It is written in the book Endless Bliss: "In some cases the mouth is thought of as an internal part of the body. Hence, if a fasting person swallows his saliva, his fast will not break. It is like something dirty inside the body passing from stomach to intestines. Bleeding from an injury in the mouth, from taking a tooth out, or at the point where an injection was made, or blood coming from the stomach to the mouth does not break a fast or an ablution." Do these statements mean that having an injection does not break the fast?
No, having an injection breaks the fast according to all four madhahib. In those statements, the rule is explained in terms of the fast and the ablution. If we write them one by one, it will be understood more easily:

When blood issues from an injury in the mouth, it breaks neither the fast nor the ablution. If this blood is swallowed, it breaks the fast but does not break the ablution. If this blood comes out of the mouth, it breaks the ablution but does not break the fast.

2. When a tooth is pulled, it does not break the fast unless as long as it is not swallowed, and it does not break the ablution as long as it does not come out of the mouth.

The blood that oozes from the point where an injection has been made does not break the ablution as long as it does not come out of the mouth, and it does not break the fast as long as it is not swallowed. This is what is meant therein. Otherwise, having an injection while one is fasting breaks one's fast.

If blood comes from the stomach to the mouth, it breaks neither the fast nor the ablution.

Date of Update
11 Kasım 2024 Pazartesi
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